Monday, May 19, 2014

Taken By The Storm

By the time I finished this post, the weekend is too far over. I fully realize that I have completely missed one schedule, but I couldn't have done it any other way.

Three days double shift, three other days normal 8 hours; the plan was I take advantage of my geographic location; 12 hours ahead of the other part of the world, and steal at least one weekend night manning The Whiskers' Syndicate, and the other day a little rest.

On my way cruising that plan, I come across Murphy's Law, and as it notoriously said: If something can go wrong, it will go wrong.

Starting with a scratch.

One of the hammock kitties suddenly had rash all over his belly. He had his flea prevention and there was no flea on him. And then his two brothers start scratching. I put on rash ointment so they won't scratch the whole day, and think that it might be some microscopic visitor hitch-hiking to soon be gone.

The next day I found out that Ash' EGC had flared up so badly she drooled excessively and unable to eat. It hurts her enough even to open her mouth to lick something. I still thought that it is her immune again, so I give her her prescription and go back to work.

The next day, it's Bobtail.

Bobtail had turbulent history. He was OK before he was adopted but the recent negligence that brought him back to me destroyed him. He was full of parasite and only recently bounced back to complete health. I know he will be all right; he is a strong guy and a smart one, to ever run away from his new home and walk back home, but it takes time. It's just so happened that he contracted EGC midway.

At the back of my mind, some alarm start blinking.

And then the next day, Estebel got her mouth full of ulcers, just like Ash and Bobtail. At the same time, I noticed that more kittens went into scratching frenzy; some scratch themselves raw, while the other had infected scratch wound on their back.

That night Nekomi (pronounced nay-co-mee) stopped eating.

The next day practically the entire sanctuary refuse their food, a scandal never before happened even in our worst nightmare.

By then the alarm no longer blink. It was blaring with a siren impossible to ignore; and as I staggered from autopilot to manual steering, I've got full list of rash, EGC, fur loss, vomiting, foul odour stool, diarrhoea, loss of appetite, and desperate look of 75 pair of eyes every where I turned around.

My survival instinct woke up, and start kicking.

Most common cause of all those faults list is fleas, but none of them have fleas. They don't have worms, and they weren't sick before.

The next on the list is allergies, but to what?

So I start eliminating their vitamins, supplement, one after another, until I was left with only cat food.

But I have been using that cat food for years and nothing happened. I like that brand because it contains higher protein rate than the other, and it helps all those emaciated and underweight cats catch up (relatively) sooner, hence healthier. And now The Whiskers' are allergic to it? Doesn't make sense.

I noticed that several months ago, that brand I used gone out of Indonesian market for quite a long time (around 1 month), that forced me to feed the cats home made food because I can't afford better brand.

Most of other brands that I can afford has lower rate of protein, aside from huge amount of chemicals and fillers. Feeding the cats those brands for mere practical reasons means I only look for trouble, in my opinion, so I go with home made food because at least I know what they eat.

After a month, that brand came back to the market, but the supplies aren't stable. Sometimes it's off for one week, sometimes abundant. The Syndicate seems to like it a little less, but until last week when Templar (a kitten) start scratching, I didn't notice anything wrong.

Maybe the manufacturer change some of the ingredients, maybe they change supplier of some ingredients, maybe it got contaminated somewhere along the logistic line, or someone tampered with that brand.

The latter thought came to mind because last month, Indonesian police apprehend a veterinarian and his accomplice for manufacturing and distributing fake Royal Canin that cause a lot of cat got sick. And since Indonesians are so creative and enthusiastic with "free money" someone else might get the idea.

I don't have time to guess, anyway. If cat food seems to be the main problem, then I have to change immediately before things got out of hand.

Back to the Murphy's Law: anything that can go wrong will go wrong.

And guess what? all that catastrophe happened when donations flow is at the lowest.

Yeah right. Of all the time in the world, dear God, Thy choose now? You sure love me.

I shared my concern with Lori, and if some of you noticed she has been more aggressively pounding on your doors for donation, it's because I have to change the food to better brand, which is of course, more expensive.

On one of the days when I got only one shift work, I went around town to find what better brand that won't make our finance collapsed overnight, and ended up with this:

It is USD 15 (per bag of 7 kgs/15 lbs) more expensive than the usual brand, but it doesn't use rice, or corn, or soy, or by products. I am not going to promote that brand, but it is my best shot at the moment.

I should have changed the food gradually, per common theory, but I stop the old cat food immediately and change with the new one.

And it extinguish the fire in seconds.

The cats love it. When I opened the bag, for the first time after the incident, they no longer lazily wait for me to distribute the bowl in the cattery.

a few drops on the ground and this is what I get

Can you see it in their eyes?

Two meals, one day, and they scratch less. No more vomit, diarrhoea gets better, EGC recedes, and life's looking good.

Those with dermatitis will need time to heal all those grisly wounds, and rashes, and my math instinct is still kicking me, but for the time being, I can breathe.

The next day, I got a message that there's a package for me from USA.

Our friend Karen from California told me last month that she sent some cat grass seed and mouse toy, but when I retrieve the package, we got a surprise:

After the whole week enduring what must be unbearable itch, The Whiskers' Syndicate got something new to play aside from my hand made toys; and they play with it so intently they forget scratching.

Since it's only one, I bring it back and forth from the house to the backyard so both the kittens and the adults can take turn to play.

The next day, another message come saying that there's another package from USA. This time, it's our other Californian friend Christine Stewart sending a package of Revolution, dewormer, and catnip!

So while the kittens dominate the Cheese Chase, the adults got high on substance.

At least they're not scratching. They forget about those painful rashes and ulcers and for one moment, after all this ordeal, they can go back to well... being cat.

Ultimately, THANK YOU. Thank you Karen, thank you Christine, thank you everyone who responded to Lori's mayday on facebook. You guys can't come in better time.

And to everyone else, I hope this can show you how much a little help means humongous to us. The Cheese Chase is only USD 15, but it made the kittens and cats get over their misery. Catnip is only a few Dollars, but it helps the cats get over that whole week full of turbulence and climb the rainbow to find that pot full of gold, sardines, happiness.

I also hope to re-assure that even 1 dollar small coin you donate really help us save life, because otherwise we won't be able to buy better food that break them free of agony.

Last night, late Sunday, after trying fruitlessly to publish this post (internet disturbance!!), I finally give in to the influenza that has been pounding my head and shutting my nose for the whole week (in addition to cat food gate).

Nose-diving onto the bed,  and slowly disintegrate into exhaustion, I can still hear the ball rolling on the Cheese Chase, and some catnip mouse crashed onto the concrete.

It sure is one heck of stormy week.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

April 2014 Financial Report And May 2014 Budget

Howdy everyone!

Though the report is late (please forgive me), I still want to share our cash drawer so you know what I do with your contributions. Every single penny goes to the cat mob.

As in the sayings, we enjoyed April shower last month. Not only we have Recycle 4 Rescues charity auction to benefit The Whiskers' Syndicate, we also had the honour from EFA Captain Nicole Planchon and her shop Brizel Handcraft to sponsor our Easter Raffle (see income from charity auction and easter raffle in April financial report); so although our monthly fund raiser didn't quite reach the target (only USD 865 out of USD 900), the extra income saved us and we are "only" minus USD 66. That's 726,000 Indonesian Rupiah. Three quarter million folks!

Even so, I am still very grateful that everyone is willing to participate in our raffle. It's been fun, and - believe it or not - it is the first time I ever made a live video, so all the more reason to celebrate!

In May, however, it is going to be a hard work for me. We have a wonderful new sponsor: Raeosunshine Pets, by Rachel Foland including us in her May give away. The grand prize is a personalised pencil colour pet photograph.

and additional two plush terry cloth quacky duck:

This wonderful event drag our Pitch In relatively fast, though unfortunately, it will not bring extra income, kicking us plunging down to minus USD 332 (see May 2014 budget).

But seriously, Josie, if the minus is so much, why don't you just raise your Pitch In goal?

That's the easiest way, of course, and the most reasonable, but speaking from experience in the past 3 months, it is already so very difficult to raise USD 900 every month. We are dragging and begging all the time, so to be honest, although I still believe that our friends will not forsake us, I don't have the confidence to update the Pitch In goal in fear that all of you will be intimidated by the additional digit.

Our Etsy shop didn't do very well either, with only 2 sales in April, 1 sale in March an zero sales in February.

Hence, I have to go back to work double shift again starting this month. I am leaving the cats alone 16 hours a day, 3 days a week, while the other 3 days will be a normal 8 hours.

It's not without challenge. Though our sanctuary is no longer under the threat of drowning, we still have a dozen of kittens who are only 7 weeks old, and a few seniors and special need cats who needs attention. In this last month of monsoon before dry season officially start mid May means a lot of wind, and a lot of URI (Upper Respiratory tract Infection). This is the first monsoon for our hammock kitties; a bunch of kittens we picked from the street during the renovation so doubtless they will take turn to get sick.

There's no exact cure for URI, and even if cats are vaccinated, they can still get sick. However, close observation and quick action is the most important key to recovery and while working (over) full time, I won't be able to watch them even when they are sick.

And then, there's always this note below my report or budget that utilities and other expenditures are my responsibility. Those are:

  • USD 350 Mortgage
  • USD 25 Electricity bill
  • USD 25 Water bill
  • USD 10 other expenditures (garbage disposal, security service (for the whole block), and community reserve.
I guess by now you understand why I (have to) work like crazy.

It might sound fatalistic, but if you ask me, Que Sera Sera. I have done my best in my power, and what is left for me is to hope that someone will have our back.

"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." ~1 Peter 5:7

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Our Milky Way

Until very recently, I never knew that big shelters in USA, Britain, or other sovereign countries are paid large sum of money the way a corporation do. I only knew they have a brilliant copywriter who can tug at any heart string - even those made of rock - when asking for donation.

A post from a dear friend of mine, Christine Stewart, who follows the crash, burn and bruises of The Whiskers' Syndicate since the early days, sent me into google and the search result pretty much made me grin.


In my naivety, while relying to the uncertain existence of donation from generous individuals, I try to get myself a job to pay my own food, the mortgage, and the bills. Why not? This is my house. The Whiskers' Syndicate mobsters lived here, of course, but it is still my house. From one freelance job to another, I tried to save as much as I can so when the donation run dry and one of the cats are sick, I still have money to care for them and pay for the vet. In our little place on this planet, there's no credit. No pay, no service, even if you know the vet personally.

I am not jealous though, at least I try not to. Those CEOs has better luck. They are born in a well off country that has better knowledge, technology, and civilization. And they landed on cotton candy. But as much as the God I believe in give them all the fancy things that I can only dream of having for the cats, I believe that He too will provide, in His own term. It might not be a free car, free house, or the license to play God and kill "overpopulated animals", but in better shape:

He blesses me with friends who are willing to scroll their sleeve and get dirty; He blesses me with supporters - who come and go - but always there to pull together when we brushed death. He blesses me with allies who - although not rich enough to give me millions - are creative and passionate to produce myriad of fund raising events. And the most important thing, God blesses me with the opportunity to use all these riches in the way that no one ever before dare to go.

So where will this journey take us? No one can see tomorrow; but maybe it's better; because that would mean we can draw whatever scene we want to go through, because that would mean we can go at our own pace, and most importantly, it means we can choose the best companions to accompany us along the way. I hope you choose us though, because we're happy to choose you.
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